Then Come on Down to the Putting Skills to Work BCG Ed Fund Workshop
12 May 2015, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM
(That’s the day before the NGS 2015 Conference)
St. Charles, Missouri
Let Elissa and Barbara Give You Some Ideas About How to End that Confusion!
Ever go
to conferences and see the presenter do magical things, but then when you sit
down yourself, you find it isn’t that easy? Putting Skills to Work is a unique
full-day, hands-on workshop limited to sixty participants. The focus is
practicing skills needed by anyone who does serious genealogical
research whether as a family historian, librarian, dedicated hobbyist, or
writer. Materials are geared to intermediate and advanced practitioners and
advocate established genealogy standards.
It’s only $110.
The registration fee includes lunch,
both in-depth presentations complete with hands-on exercises, syllabus,
handouts, and active class participation. NGS Conference registration is not
required. You can go just to the workshop – you don’t have to cross-register to
go to the conference.
To register
for the workshop, pick the choice that describes your registration status:

Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL, will lead the session “Tested
Strategies for Efficient Research Reports.” If you’ve found writing
research reports (whether to paid clients or to your own files) painful, then
this is the class for you. Many researchers assume committing research findings
to paper is separate from the research process; however, Elissa will share her
methodology for using available time efficiently during the research process,
resulting in a sharable work product.
Strategies for Research Report” will allow each participant to experience (not
just observe) an efficient process for making the research report a part of the
research cycle. Writing “as you go” saves genealogists the pain of creating a
report after the thrill of the chase is complete. Each of us wants to be more
efficient in our research and more proficient in our report writing whether for
a client or for our own family and files. Without writing down your research
plan, analysis, and conclusions, you or future generations may very well repeat
them needlessly. Communicating our findings is at the crux of all we do.
Elissa Scalise Powell, CG, CGL, is
immediate past-president of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. She is
co-director of the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP),
instructs for Boston University’s Genealogical Research Certificate course and
at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. She is coordinator of the Professional
Genealogy course for the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research at
Samford University. She has extensive experience as a forensic genealogist in
mineral rights cases.

Barbara Jean Mathews, CG, FASG, will lead the session “Evidence
Analysis, Correlation, and Resolution: The Heart of the Genealogical Proof
Standard.” Focusing on only direct evidence creates unnecessary research
dead ends. This session addresses weighing and correlating sources, evidence,
and information in their many diverse forms for successful resolution of
investigations. We will take a family living in the U.S., and work until we
know where in Denmark they came from. Where will we look for them? What do the
records in Texas tell us about the family? As we go through the documents we’ll
ask ourselves new questions and move to new areas of research, much as we would
in the world outside the classroom.
We will also evaluate indirect and
fuzzy evidence, working together to resolve those issues. So many areas of the
U.S. have few records but that doesn’t mean that we can’t make intelligent
inferences about family relationships.
Barbara mentored ProGen Studies
Group 7, and GenProof Studies Group 6. She currently mentors ProGen Studies
Group 21 and NGSQ Study Group B. She is a substitute instructor for the Boston
University genealogical certificate program. She has extensive experience as a
lineage genealogist analyzing documents from across the U.S., from the present
back to colonial times.
please join us for a fun day of experiential skill-building and take home ideas
and processes that work and help to make us more efficient with our time and
a confused kitten? It gets people’s attention. This one is from Microsoft and
is used under license.
Credit for this posting also goes to Kathy Gunter Sullivan, CG, who posted notices on the BCG Ed Fund page and as a BCG SpringBoard blog post .
UPDATE 1: Cost after Early Bird registration changed to reflect the fact that the workshop is not subject to a change.